Sunday, June 7, 2009

Odds & Ends, photo gallery

Here is a typical view of the table our Board occupied during a recent annual conference in California.  Notice the various items necessary to stimulate our minds... in other words to keep us awake during some of the not so inspiring talks.  

A close up view of the seating arrangements on a recent flight.  I generally like the window seat so I can lean onto the wall. It makes me feel like I have more room than if I was stuck in the center seat or falling off the edge of an aisle seat.  
Notice all the ample leg room in coach class seating...

Our lovely little dog, Sam.

He likes to lay under the buffet....
under end tables and especially
in his cardboard box play house, that's the one with all the holes cut into the sides!

This looked a bit odd?

A new baby palm tree growing up out of the stump of an old palm tree.
That has to be a good example of perseverance.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love the shot of the baby palm - and yes, perseverance.