I really hadn't noticed that it's been over 5 months since I last logged onto my blog. The time just flew by while I was trapped in the land of FarmVille. It's too easy to get lost in a world of make believe and forget about the daily routines, worries and responsibilities of real life.
Checking to see if the crops are ready to harvest before they wither up and die becomes an obsession. Collecting enough Christmas gifts, valentine cards, gold coins and spring eggs is a race for more, more, more, just to beat your "neighbor" by having the most "stuff". Gathering virtual eggs, milk, wool, oranges, almonds, maple syrup and circus peanuts becomes another chore.
At some point, you come to the conclusion, that the escape you found in make believe has now become your daily routine, worries and responsibilities that you tried to leave behind in reality. Hopefully this realization hits before too long. I've come to that place now 5 months since I began. But... Can I keep away from the farm? Only time will tell... only time will tell...
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